Rule 425 & 425.3 Public Hear Notice 11/7/24
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN a public hearing will be held on November 7, 2024, beginning 2:00 pm at Eastern Kern Air Pollution Control District (District) Board Room 414 W. Tehachapi Blvd., Suite D, Tehachapi, CA 93565. At the hearing, the District’s Governing Board will consider adoption of the following:
Amended Rule 425 - Stationary Gas Turbines (Oxides of Nitrogen)
Amended Rule 425.3 - Portland Cement Kilns (Oxides of Nitrogen)
A public workshop was held September 18, 2024, at the District Board Room to present, discuss and receive comments on the proposed rule revisions. A 30-day public review and comment period followed the workshop.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that if adopted, amended Rules 425 and 425.3 will be submitted through CARB to EPA for incorporation into the California State Implementation Plan (SIP). This action would constitute a SIP revision.
Interested persons may appear at the hearing and make oral comments. Written comments are invited for consideration and will be received until the close of business on November 6, 2024. Correspondence should be addressed to Gary Ray, Jr., APCO, at EKAPCD, 2700 M Street, Suite 302, Bakersfield, CA 93301, (661) 862-5250.
Copies of the proposed amended rules and respective staff reports Can be downloaded through the links below.
Amended Rule 425 - Stationary Gas Turbines (NOx) Staff Report
Amended Rule 425.3 - Portland Cement Kilns (NOx Staff Report
Rule 425 and 425.3 Workshop Presentation
Wood Smoke Reduction Program (WSRP) Now Open 10/1/24
The District offers rebate vouchers through its Wood Smoke Reduction Program (WSRP) to replace Non-EPA certified wood stoves with new EPA certified wood, pellet, or electric stove, or to install an EPA certified wood, pellet, or electric fireplace insert into a home that uses the heating device as its primary source of heat.
Click Here for 2025 Guidelines and Application
Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Rebate Program 8/1/24
The District receives AB 2766 funds through an “air quality impact” fee collected by the DMV. Revenues generated from AB 2766 are used to reduce air pollution generated from motor vehicles and their related activities.
The District allocates a substantial portion of its AB 2766 funds to the Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Rebate Program. The ZEV Rebate Program incentivizes Eastern Kern County residents to reduce their motor vehicle emissions by purchasing a zero-emissions automobile.
Eligible applicants will receive a Rebate of up to $4,000, not exceeding 25% of the total cost of purchasing a new ZEV with an EPA Smog Score of 10. All ZEV Rebate Program applications will be processed in the order they are received. ZEV Rebates are awarded first-come first-served until program funds have been exhausted.
Click Here for Guidelines and Application
DMV Grant Program Now Open, 10/1/24
Grantees can receive up to $50,000 for an eligible project that reduces emissions from on-road motor vehicle related activities. Eligible project include funding for road paving, installation of Level II or Level III public accessible EV charge station, installation of a public accessible CNG refilling station, public education courses geared toward reducing emissions, vanpool implementation, construction of a park & ride facilities, and construction of a bike path. Applications must be received by 5:00 P.M. on February 28, 2025.
Click here for 2025 Guidelines and Application
Public Review & Comment for PSGM3, LLC PSD Permit, 9/30/24
Pursuant to District Rule 210.4, (Prevention of Significant Deterioration), a Prevention of Significant Deterioration Permit has been drafted for PSGM3, LLC.
PERMITTING ACTION: The District requests comment on a draft permit which would grant conditional approval to PSGM3, LLC, in accordance with District Rule 210.4 and 40 CFR §52.21, to construct a Steel Manufacturing Facility with emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) above the significant emission thresholds listed in 40 CFR §52.21.
If the Draft Permit becomes final, and there is no appeal, construction of the facility will be allowed subject to the requirements of the permit and other applicable permit and legal requirements.
PUBLIC COMMENT PROCEDURES: Copies of the application, draft permit, support documents, and District analysis can be downloaded through the links below and can also be reviewed Monday through Friday from 9:00AM to 4:00PM at the District Administrative office located at: 2700 “M” Street, Suite 302, Bakersfield, CA 93301.
Comments can be submitted in writing to the District office addressed above. All comments must be received by 5:00 PM on October 30, 2024. Members of the public may request the Air Pollution Control Officer preside over a public hearing for the purpose of receiving public oral comments. Issues raised during the public comment period will be addressed in writing by the District before the permit is issued. The permit and all comments will be forwarded to US EPA Region IX office and will be available for review after the 30-day public review process is complete. For more information, please telephone Samuel Johnson, AQE, at 661-862-5250.
PSGM3 Draft PSD Permit
Technical Support Document
Draft ATCs
PSGM3 Application
Air Dispersion Modeling
Addendum to Air Dispersion Modeling
Additional Analysis of Project Impacts
Rule 425 and 425.3 Public Workshop
The District held a public workshop on September 18, 2024 at their Board Room located: 414 W. Tehachapi Boulevard Suite D Tehachapi, CA 93561 to present, discuss and receive comments on:
Proposed Amendment: Rule 425, Stationary Gas Turbines (Oxides of Nitrogen)
Proposed Amendment: Rule 425.3, Portland Cement Kilns (Oxides of Nitrogen)
Rule 425 and 425.3 Workshop Presentation
Copies of the staff reports, and presentation can be downloaded through the links above. You can also request copies of the staff reports be mailed to you by calling (661) 862-5250 or emailing
Written comments must be received by October 17, 2024, for consideration regarding proposed amendments to Rules 425 and 425.3, and should be mailed to EKAPCD, 2700 “M” Street, Suite 302, Bakersfield, CA 93301, or emailed to
September 2024 Desert Breeze
September 2024, issue of the District's quarterly news letter "Desert Breeze" is now available. Click the link below to download a pdf copy or contact the District to have a copy mailed to you. All back issues can be found by clicking here.
Open Burning on SRA land Closed for the season on May 13, 2024
Kern County Fire Department announced Hazard Reduction Open Burning on SRA land within Eastern Kern County Closed for the season on May 13, 2024. Fire hazard reduction open burning will still be allowed on non-SRA land durring approved favorable burn days.
Be advised: Fire hazard reduction open burning requires a burn burmit. Burn Permits can be obtained online through Community Connect. Community Connect can be accessed by clicking the link below, or through the Hazard Reduction Pile Burning Permit Application widget on the sidebar. Instruction for obtaining a burn permit can be found by clicking the link below.
Hazard Reduction Burn Permit Instructions
Link for obtaining Hazard Reduction Burn Permit
Health Effects of Inhaling Smoke
Smoke is made up of a complex mixture of gases and fine particles produced when wood and other organic matter burns. The biggest health threat from smoke comes from fine particles. These microscopic particles can get into your eyes and respiratory system, where they can cause health problems such as burning eyes, runny nose, and illnesses such as bronchitis. Fine particles also can aggravate chronic heart and lung diseases and are even linked to premature deaths in people with these conditions.
People with asthma, heart disease, lung disease, older adults, and children are at greater risk of being affected by smoke. If you are healthy, you're usually not at a major risk from smoke but it's still a good idea to avoid breathing smoke if you can help it. It's important to limit your exposure to smoke, especially if you may be susceptible.
How to tell if smoke is affecting you:
Smoke can irritate the eyes and airways, causing coughing, a scratchy throat, irritated sinuses, headaches, stinging eyes or a runny nose. If you have heart or lung disease, smoke might make your symptoms worse. People with heart disease might experience chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath, or fatigue. People with lung disease may not be able to breathe as deeply or as vigorously as usual, and they may experience symptoms such as coughing, phlegm, chest discomfort, wheezing and shortness of breath. When smoke levels are high enough, even healthy people may experience some of these symptoms.
Protect yourself:
Watch local news and weather stations, pay attention to health warning and air quality reports, you can also use the EPA's Air Quality Index (AQI). Use common sense; if it looks smoky outside, it's probably not a good time to mow the lawn, go for a run, or let children play outside.
If your advised to stay indoors take steps to keep indoor air as clean as possible. Keep windows and doors closed. Run an air conditioner if needed but make the fresh air intake is closed and the filter is clean. Do not use a swamp cooler as it will pull in lots of smoke from outside. If your house becomes to hot to be comfortable seek alternative shelter. If it is cool outside try to avoid anything that produces heat from burning such as a fireplace, gas logs, or a gas stove.
Residential Wood Burning
Many Eastern Kern County residents
use woodstoves and fireplaces to heat
their homes.
If you burn please remember to do so
as cleanly as possible.
Never burn household waste in your
woodstove or fireplace and only burn
clean, dry, seasoned wood, and maintain
a hot fire.